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LKS2 Home Learning Programme and Procedures

In Years 3 and 4, children are required to practise their spelling and multiplication tables on a weekly basis. The National Curriculum states that by the end of Year 4 all children know their multiplication tables up to 12x12, including the related division facts. In Year 3, children are tested on their multiplication tables once a week using the 99 Club, which are differentiated tests to support learning. Year 4 complete weekly times table practice through either 99 Club, Testbase or online testing. They will bring home their completed test and should use these to practise for the following week.

Years 3 and 4 are required to learn spellings outlined in the National Curriculum Spelling Lists. Therefore, both year groups will be sending home spellings from these lists on a weekly basis. The children will also be given homework related to the spelling sound or pattern they are learning in class and these should be practised at home. Staff will then test the children on these spellings.

In addition to the above, children are required to read for 15 minutes every evening. It is useful for the children to read aloud to an adult a few times a week. A stamp or appropriate comment will be made in a child’s homework diary when they read at school to a member of staff. It is the children’s responsibility to record their reading on their bookmark and these will be monitored in class. Books will be changed as appropriate.

Maths and English homework will be set once a week. Please see the table below. Work should be completed in the appropriate book unless otherwise specified.

On some occasions, it will be necessary to set additional homework related to a curriculum area being studied. Children will be given sufficient time to complete and hand in this additional homework.

As a rough guide, homework should take no longer than 30 minutes each evening.

Homework diaries should be signed weekly by a parent or guardian. These will be checked at least once a week in school and signed and stamped by the teacher or learning support assistant.

We encourage all children to keep up with their home learning as it supports the work we do in school and is good preparation for secondary school. If, for any reason, a child cannot complete their home learning, parents should communicate this via their homework diary. If there is no communication, the children will:

  • Have one day’s grace to bring the completed homework into school
  • If it is not in the next day, the children will complete the homework at lunchtime in class
  • If this happens twice in a half term, the teacher will discuss his/her concerns with the parent
  • If homework is not completed three times in a half term, children will have a discussion with the phase leader about the importance of completing homework and parents will be contacted


Year 3 Handed out Handed in
Spellings Wednesday Monday
English Wednesday Monday
Mathletics Friday Tuesday


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